In David’s memoir, he shares about his experiences of abuse and bullying—and how a terrible accident led to years of medical trials and altered the trajectory of his life forever. While he had every reason to become bitter & hate the world, he chose to rise above and turn his past into something positive.

Perhaps you have walked through a season of sexual abuse, been a victim of bullying and are feeling shame, defeat, or discouragement. Maybe you have spent a life filling your time with distractions so you don’t have to deal with the pain. If you are walking through a season of health challenges and you’re exhausted, this book is for you. You’ll be encouraged and empowered as you realize that God never wastes a season! There is a purpose in everything you walk through and that you are deeply loved beyond measure, even in the darkest moments of life.

God can use our most trying moments, our darkest days, and turn them into our greatest ministry. He can use the lowest times of our lives and turn them into something beautiful. God has given us each unique gifts, talents, and dreams, and we are all placed on this earth for a purpose. Whether you see it yet or not, Nothing Is Wasted, and everything you go through, in every season of life, can be used by God for your ultimate good.

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